The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) provides for a role for the European Union (EU) in peacekeeping, conflict prevention, and the strengthening of international security. Pursuant to Article 42-1 of the TEU, the CSDP “shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on civilian and military assets. The Union may use them on missions outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.”

Since 2003, the Member States have thus launched 33 missions and operations. As of June 2019, 16 missions or operations remain on-going in Africa, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Decisions regarding the CSDP are made unanimously by the Council upon the proposal of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy or upon the initiative of a Member State.

10 of these missions are civilian. Civilian missions focus on the training of third country security forces or on strategic advisory activities. These missions are financed by the EU budget as part of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

Name of mission


First mandate



Palestinian Territories


To ensure a neutral presence at the Rafah crossing point; training for Palestinian border guards.


Palestinian Territories


Mission to provide support to police and strategic advisory services.

EUMM Georgia



Ceasefire monitoring; facilitating a return to “normal” life for communities.

EUCAP Sahel Niger



To strengthen internal security capabilities (advice and training).

EUCAP Somalia



To strengthen local maritime police capabilities.




To support border management.

EUCAP Sahel Mali



To strengthen internal security capabilities (advice and training).

EUAM Ukraine



To assist the Ukrainian authorities in the reform of the civil security sector.

EULEX Kosovo



To assist and support the Kosovo authorities in areas related to the rule of law, in particular police, justice and customs.




To assist Iraqi authorities in the reform of the civil security sector.

The CSDP also includes 6 military operations and missions. 3 are under an executive mandate (“operations”) and 3 are focused on training and advisory objectives (“missions”). These operations and missions are financed directly by the Member States. Some costs are borne on a shared basis under what is called the “Athena mechanism,” where the contribution made by each State depends on their GDP.

Name of mission


Executive mandate

First mandate






Training and advice to the Malian Armed Forces.

EUTM Somalia




Training and advice to the Somalian Armed Forces.


Central African Republic



Training and advice to Central African armed forces.


Mediterranean - Libya



To combat the smuggling of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea;

training of Libyan Coast Guard forces.


Indian Ocean - Horn of Africa



To fight against piracy in the Indian Ocean; To protect World Food Programme vessels.

EUFOR Althéa

Bosnia and Herzegovina



To assist the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (training) and contribute to the maintenance of a safe environment; to ensure compliance with the military component of the Dayton Agreements.


Pursuant to Articles 42 and 46 TEU, Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) was adopted on 11 December 2017 by the Council of the European Union (EU). It gives EU Member States the opportunity to cooperate more closely in the area of ??security and defence , and takes the form of joint projects essentially of a capacity-building nature. To date, 25 States have joined PESCO. 81 ( * )

Two waves of projects were adopted at the councils held 6 March 2018 and 11 November 2018, bringing the total number to 34. France is involved in 21 of these projects, including 8 as a “lead.” The table below details the 34 projects and their participants, with the lead State in bold. Note that States may also decide to remain as “observers” only on certain projects.


Date adopted

Participating countries



European Union Training Mission Competence Centre (EU TMCC).

6 March 2018

Germany , Czech Republic, Spain, France , Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Sweden.

To strengthen the skills and interoperability of EU Training Mission (EUTM) staff.

European Training Certification Centre for European Armies.

6 March 2018

Italy , Greece.

To promote the harmonisation of the procedures of the various European armies and allow training in a simulated environment, in order to reinforce the conduct of CSDP missions.

Helicopter Hot and High Training (H3 Training) [high temperature and high altitude].

19 November 2018

Greece , Italy, Romania.

To strengthen the skills of European pilots, military or civilian, to face new threats in a “hot and high” environment.

Joint EU Intelligence School.

19 November 2018

Greece , Cyprus.

To strengthen the skills of European intelligence personnel

EU Test and Evaluation Centres.

19 November 2018

France , Sweden , Spain, Slovakia.

To develop the Vidsel Test and Evaluation Centre (Sweden); to develop a European network of testing and evaluation centres, and ensure the prioritisation of European projects in their use.


Deployable Military Disaster Relief Capability Package.

6 March 2018

Italy , Greece, Spain, Croatia, Austria.

To develop a European capacity for the management of disasters, disaster relief and pandemics that can be deployed within missions and operations; to establish a dedicated European training centre.

Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles / Amphibious Assault Vehicles / Light Armoured Vehicles.

6 March 2018

Italy , Greece, Slovakia.

To develop common prototypes of armoured infantry combat vehicles, amphibious assault vehicles, and light armoured vehicles.

Indirect Fire Support (EuroArtillery).

6 March 2018

Slovakia , Italy, Hungary.

To develop a mobile platform for precision artillery fire.

Integrated Unmanned Ground System (UGS).

19 November 2018

Estonia , Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, France , Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Finland.

To develop a multifunction integrated terrestrial autonomous system (UAV): transport, satellite imagery, sensors....

EU Beyond the Line Of Sight (BLOS) Land Battlefield Missile Systems.

19 November 2018

France , Belgium, Cyprus.

Develop new-generation land-based tactical missile systems beyond the line of sight (BLOS).


Maritime (semi-) Autonomous Systems for Mine Countermeasures (MAS MCM).

6 March 2018

Belgium , Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania.

To develop autonomous underwater systems (drones) to detect and destroy mines.

Harbour and Maritime Surveillance and Protection (HARMSPRO).

6 March 2018

Italy , Greece, Poland, Portugal.

To develop a system that brings together existing technologies for critical infrastructure protection in port and maritime areas.

Upgrade of Maritime Surveillance.

6 March 2018

Greece , Bulgaria, Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus.

To enhance maritime surveillance and the responsiveness of Member States by improving information sharing, through the use of existing infrastructure and the development of new capabilities.

Deployable Modular Underwater Intervention Capability Package (DIVEPACK).

19 November 2018

Bulgaria , Greece, France .

To develop an interoperable “DIVEPACK” device capable of covering a wide spectrum of defensive submarine operations, including autonomous underwater systems (drones), available for CSDP military operations.


European Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, or European MALE RPAS (Eurodrone).

19 November 2018

Germany , Czech Republic, Spain, France , Italy

To develop a medium altitude long distance European aerial drone, operational by 2025.

European Attack Helicopters TIGER Mark III.

19 November 2018

France , Germany, Spain.

To significantly improve the Tiger Attack Helicopter by improving its detection, attack and communication capabilities.

Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS).

19 November 2018

Italy , Czech Republic

To develop a system to fight against small aerial drones.

CYBER, “C4ISR” 82 ( * )

European Secure Software-defined Radio (ESSOR).

6 March 2018

France , Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Finland

To develop common technologies for military radio communications in order to ensure the interoperability of European forces and enhance the security of military communications.

Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform.

6 March 2018

Greece , Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Austria, Portugal.

To create platforms to ensure a higher level of cyber resilience for Member States, particularly by enhanced information sharing.

Cyber Rapid Response Teams and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security.

7 May 2019

Lithuania , Estonia, Croatia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Finland.

To set up rapid response teams allowing States to help each other confront cyber threats and respond collectively.

Strategic Command and Control (C2) System for CSDP Missions and Operations.

6 March 2018

Spain , France , Germany, Italy, Portugal

To improve the command and control systems of EU missions and operations at the strategic level.

European High Atmosphere Airship Platform (EHAAP) - Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Capability.

19 November 2019

Italy, France.

To develop an innovative and persistent ISR (stratospheric airships) platform with ample freedom of movement.

One Deployable Special Operations Forces (SOF) Tactical Command and Control (C2) Command Post (CP) for Small Joint Operations (SJO) - (SOCC) for SJO.

19 November 2018

Greece , Cyprus.

To establish and operate a deployable command post for tactical command and control (C2) of special operations forces (SOF) in “small” joint operations with the objective of operational capability by 2024.

Electronic Warfare Capability and Interoperability - Programme for Future Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) Cooperation

19 November 2018

Czech Republic , Germany.

To produce a comprehensive study of European electronic warfare capabilities in advance of the adoption of a common concept of operations (CONOPS) for electronic warfare, with a view to creating a common electronic warfare unit.


EUFOR Crisis Response Operation Core (EUFOR CROC).

6 March 2018

Germany , Spain, France , Italy, Cyprus.

To contribute to the creation of a coherent set of full spectrum forces, with the aim of progressively reducing the gap between the capabilities of the EU Battlegroups and the level of ambition stipulated in the Union's Global Strategy.

European Medical Command.

6 March 2018

Belgium , Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, France , Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden.

To develop a permanent European medical capability in order to improve the coordination, management and supply of military medical resources in support of operations and missions.

Network of Logistic Hubs in Europe and Support to Operations.

6 March 2018

Germany , Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, France , Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia.

To improve the logistics supply for operations and missions by combining existing European infrastructures and processes, in particular by creating logistics hubs and optimising storage and transport space.

Military mobility.

6 March 2018

Netherlands , Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France , Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden.

To support the commitment of Member States to simplifying and harmonising military transport procedures across the internal borders of the EU.

Energy Operational Function (EOF).

6 March 2018

France , Belgium, Spain, Italy.

To develop new energy supply systems for camps deployed in joint operations, and to ensure that energy issues are taken into account in all operational planning, combat systems design and operations support activities.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Surveillance as a Service (CBRN SaaS).

19 November 2018

Austria , France , Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia.

To establish a permanent network of sensors, particularly terrestrial and airborne drones, to provide a recognised CBRN picture and thus improve the visualisation of operational information used in EU missions and operations.


19 November 2018

France , Belgium , Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Netherlands.

To improve the sharing of databases operated by Member States within EU territory or beyond its borders.

Geo-meteorological and Oceanographic (GeoMETOC) Support Coordination Element (GMSCE).

19 November 2018

Germany , Greece, France , Romania.

To strengthen geo-spatial, meteorological and oceanographic support for missions and operations, including the establishment of a European data acquisition infrastructure and the development of common training and management policies.


EU Radio Navigation Solution (EURAS).

10 November 2018

France , Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy.

To strengthen the EU's military positioning, navigation and timing capabilities, based on the Galileo system.

European Military Space Surveillance Awareness Network (EU-SSA-N).

19 November 2018

Italy, France;

To develop an autonomous and sovereign European space warfare military capability, interoperable with the EU-SST (Space Surveillance and Tracking) initiative, and aimed at protecting the space resources and services of the Member States.

* 81 Only Malta, Denmark (because of its opt out) and the United Kingdom in its process of withdrawal from the Union are not members.

* 82 Digital Command and Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance systems.

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